Monday, May 19, 2008

Banker to the Poor

I recently read the inspiring story of Muhammad Yunus recorded in the New York Times BestSeller "Banker to the Poor". This book concreted in my heart a desire to be actively involved in changing the world. Working within his circle of influence Muhammad has been able to create a social venture that has affected the lives of millions of people in many countries. Detailed in this book are the highlights of Muhammad Yunus traits that have enabled him to create lasting social change. Also the book details the challenges face by his organization the Grameen Bank.

This is a book that will change you. It will change your heart, thoughts, and actions. Realizing that we are all empowered. We can make changes. We need to support programs that are succesfully running micro-credit and micro-franchising.

Realizing that he can act and can make a difference lead Yunus to create on the most successful social venture of all time. I highly recommend reading his story.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Social Venture Highlighted: Coast Coconut Farms

Operating and benefiting beautiful Kenya, Coast Coconut Farms, is a growing social venture headquartered in Utah.

Coast Coconut Farms was founded in 2005 thanks to the The Pope Foundation. The mission is to create an economic development project to provide sustainable employment, management and ownership opportunities for the rural people of Kenya. There is a large production facility and many small micro-franchises that currently produce oil.

The smaller micro-franchises are owned by individuals in remote areas. Employing 1 or 2 local villagers and produce small quantities. Some of this oil is sold in their local villages/markets and the rest is sold to Basa Body for use in cosmetics. These systems are no waste using, Direct Micro Expelling process which is sustainable and environmentally sound.

The biggest challenges have been quality control and proper management. Founders stated "It's important to do your homework. Highly, recommends doing a fesability study. Often people will start with a lot of assumptions."

What a great example of how social ventures give back in a positive and constructive way.
If you would like to help support and know of any potential buyers for coconut oil please visit